Every tourist knows that when arriving to a foreign town, first you have to take a lot of pictures of boring buildings.
Kuigi salaja toimus festivali varjus ka linnatutvustusring, siis sellel hommikusöögil Chintis ei viibinud.. ja eelnevaseoseliselt ei tea ta üldsegi, mis tähtis maja see ometi on..
Although secretly a tour of the city was held, Chintis did not attend that breakfast and in connection with that undeniable fact she does not know at all what kind of strange important building this is...
või see konkreetne maja..
or this one..
Linnatuurist maha jäämisest hoolimata teab Chintis siiski, et sellel hiilgaval fotol siin on kujutatud kino Muza sissekäiku..
Despite of missing the city-tour, Chintis does know for sure that on this splendid photograph here you can see the entrance to the cinema Muza
Peaks võibolla veel mainima, et sellesama hoone hästiventileeritud kinosaalis näidati kohutavalt palju animatsioone.. ja teises kinos ka, kus oli meeldivalt suur ekraan ja pehmed istmed ja ventilatsioon üldsegi puudus ja millest Chintisel absoluutne tunnusfoto puudub.
Üks animatsioon, mida Chintis selles justkui-mugavas kinos nägi:
I guess I should also mention that in that well-ventilated cinema, loads of animations were shown.. and also at the other cinema where they had a pleasently big screen, comfortable seating and no ventilation at all and of which Chintis has no foto.
One animation that Chintis saw in the almost-comfortable cinema:
Daniel Szczechura animatsioonidega dvd-d täitsa soovitan endale muretseda.
I totally recommend getting a dvd with Daniel Szczechuras animations.
Matthias Petsche und Gregor Zootzky
Kohtasin neid täiesti juhuslikult..
Üsna keeruline on kui oled põhjamaalaslikult endassetõmbunud ja ühelgi festivalikohvikus viibival rezhissööril pole tavapärast, ülimalt totakat kaelakaarti ning peale animainimeste viibib samas kohvikus ka uskumatu kogus kohalikke...
I came across them absolutely by chance..
It's fairly difficult when you're a typical inwards northern person and none of the directors at the festival cafe are wearing those usual and very stupid identification cards and in addition the cafe is filled with loads of local people...
Juhuslikult sattus Chintis ka vendade Quay-de uue nukufilmi Mask esilinastusele. Neile anti rohelisest kristallist eriauhind. Ise tundusid nad üsna kadununa.
By accident Chintis also happend to attend the world premiere of a puppetfilm by brothers Quay, called The Mask. They were given a special prize made out of green crystal. They themselves seemed quite lost.
Ja veel juhuslikumalt jäädvustasin tähtsaid animarezhissööre ja muid isikuid pärast esietendust shampust joomas.
And even more accidentally I took a picture of important animation directors and other people drinking shampagne after the premiere..
Paar kohalikku karismaatilist joodikut..
Some local charismatic drunkards..
Ja kohalik karismaatiline auto..
And a local charismatic car..
Mulle tundub, et see on foto Chintisest.. enne auhinnatseremooniat
I think it's a photo of Chintis.. before the awarding ceremony..
Afterpartyle Chintis oma fotokaamerat kaasa ei võtnud.. aga ta kinnitab, et seal ei olnud niikuinii midagi pildistada.. ainult terve hunnik kuulsaid ja vähemkuulsaid animarezhissööre, kinotöötajaid ja poliitikuid, mõned helirezhissöörid ja väga töökad turvamehed.
Chintis did not bring her photocamera to the afterpary.. but she can assure you that there was not anything worth photographing anyway.. Only a bunch of famous or not famous animation directors, cinemaworkers, politicians, some composers and very hard-working security guards.
Peaaegu sama tähtis kui maju pildistada on enne lahkumist jäädvustada ka igat sorti liiklusvahendeid.
Almost as important as taking pictures of houses, is to also photograph all kinds of transportation vehicles before leaving.
Kuigi salaja toimus festivali varjus ka linnatutvustusring, siis sellel hommikusöögil Chintis ei viibinud.. ja eelnevaseoseliselt ei tea ta üldsegi, mis tähtis maja see ometi on..
Although secretly a tour of the city was held, Chintis did not attend that breakfast and in connection with that undeniable fact she does not know at all what kind of strange important building this is...
või see konkreetne maja..
or this one..
Linnatuurist maha jäämisest hoolimata teab Chintis siiski, et sellel hiilgaval fotol siin on kujutatud kino Muza sissekäiku..
Despite of missing the city-tour, Chintis does know for sure that on this splendid photograph here you can see the entrance to the cinema Muza
Peaks võibolla veel mainima, et sellesama hoone hästiventileeritud kinosaalis näidati kohutavalt palju animatsioone.. ja teises kinos ka, kus oli meeldivalt suur ekraan ja pehmed istmed ja ventilatsioon üldsegi puudus ja millest Chintisel absoluutne tunnusfoto puudub.
Üks animatsioon, mida Chintis selles justkui-mugavas kinos nägi:
I guess I should also mention that in that well-ventilated cinema, loads of animations were shown.. and also at the other cinema where they had a pleasently big screen, comfortable seating and no ventilation at all and of which Chintis has no foto.
One animation that Chintis saw in the almost-comfortable cinema:
Daniel Szczechura animatsioonidega dvd-d täitsa soovitan endale muretseda.
I totally recommend getting a dvd with Daniel Szczechuras animations.
Matthias Petsche und Gregor Zootzky
Kohtasin neid täiesti juhuslikult..
Üsna keeruline on kui oled põhjamaalaslikult endassetõmbunud ja ühelgi festivalikohvikus viibival rezhissööril pole tavapärast, ülimalt totakat kaelakaarti ning peale animainimeste viibib samas kohvikus ka uskumatu kogus kohalikke...
I came across them absolutely by chance..
It's fairly difficult when you're a typical inwards northern person and none of the directors at the festival cafe are wearing those usual and very stupid identification cards and in addition the cafe is filled with loads of local people...
Juhuslikult sattus Chintis ka vendade Quay-de uue nukufilmi Mask esilinastusele. Neile anti rohelisest kristallist eriauhind. Ise tundusid nad üsna kadununa.
By accident Chintis also happend to attend the world premiere of a puppetfilm by brothers Quay, called The Mask. They were given a special prize made out of green crystal. They themselves seemed quite lost.
Ja veel juhuslikumalt jäädvustasin tähtsaid animarezhissööre ja muid isikuid pärast esietendust shampust joomas.
And even more accidentally I took a picture of important animation directors and other people drinking shampagne after the premiere..
Paar kohalikku karismaatilist joodikut..
Some local charismatic drunkards..
Ja kohalik karismaatiline auto..
And a local charismatic car..
Mulle tundub, et see on foto Chintisest.. enne auhinnatseremooniat
I think it's a photo of Chintis.. before the awarding ceremony..
Afterpartyle Chintis oma fotokaamerat kaasa ei võtnud.. aga ta kinnitab, et seal ei olnud niikuinii midagi pildistada.. ainult terve hunnik kuulsaid ja vähemkuulsaid animarezhissööre, kinotöötajaid ja poliitikuid, mõned helirezhissöörid ja väga töökad turvamehed.
Chintis did not bring her photocamera to the afterpary.. but she can assure you that there was not anything worth photographing anyway.. Only a bunch of famous or not famous animation directors, cinemaworkers, politicians, some composers and very hard-working security guards.
Peaaegu sama tähtis kui maju pildistada on enne lahkumist jäädvustada ka igat sorti liiklusvahendeid.
Almost as important as taking pictures of houses, is to also photograph all kinds of transportation vehicles before leaving.