Tuesday, October 25, 2011

奇妙な鳥たち - Большой серый сорокопут

Hallõgija on nüüd vaadeldav ka jaapanikeelsete subtiitritega. Ja kui jaapanikeelsed subtiitrid osutuvad liiga hieroglüüfseks, siis on absoluutselt võimalus tutvuda lindude segase eluga ka venekeelstete subtiitrite vahendusel.

Subtitled by the nice people from the Japan Wildlife Film Festival.

Russian subtitles by Alexey and Eugene from Krasnoyarsk, Siberia

Suitsupääsukese raskest elust saab ka varsti venekeelsed subtiitrid..
About the Hard Life of the Barn Swallow will also be available with russian subtitles..soon..

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Japan Wildlife Film Festival 2011

I love wildlife film festivals, they always have many awards and gifts! Today I received a 3,3 kg package from the Japan Wildlife Film Festival with all kinds of cool things inside..

The black object on the right is a wooden box!

A poster for my film in japanese!

This is Ludvig.. he's a bit confused..

Ludvig with the award..

It says "Best Children's award"

There was also a nice letter and a report including a list all the winners.. Looking at the cover of this report I see now that the award also has a practical side and can be used as a vase.. hee :)

 The Great Grey Shrike with japanese subtitles!

The box on a confusingly black backround..

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ottawa International Animation Festival 2011

Chintis happened to visit Canada just recently. Some sort of festival and-so-on.. Canada is on the other side of the planet.. so it makes a lot of sense that everything around there is just strange and without much logic. I didn't get to meet the famous killer-squirrels but I did see some local people:

So this is one of those really important architectural pictures every tourist should take.. with some people in the foreground as an extra.. The person on the left is Pierre and the strange boy on the right is Frederick. Frederick won the award for best narrative short

These are the awards..

Also I happened to ride a bus one day.. It was nice and green inside. The girl at the front of the bus is Desiree Stavracos.. 

Some more people I met at the festival.. I think they're all americans.. 

Shami and Stephan.. 

Adam Fisher.. He made this:

Jerry Beck from Cartoon Brew

Chintis, Joanna Priestly, Joan Gratz and some silly barn swallows..
Joannas film from the festival:

Mati Kütt. Americans for some reason are not able to pronounce the letter "ü".. so most of the time he was just Mati Kutt..
The trailer for his most recent film:

Benjamin.. and in front of him was sitting a little girl called Stephanie Delazeri who's animation was one of my big favourites from the festival. Sadly it's not online.. yet. But here's a picture at least..

Desiree again..

Ashley.. our driver.. She also makes soap

Madi Piller and some other funky ladies I met at the festival..

In the foreground: Hildegard.. 

And here's someone I didn't meet..

and some more of strange canadians..

And now some really superluks films that I saw at the festival:

"My MY" by Lei Lei. It's pure awsomeness.. It's worth also taking a look at his other works.

Heliotropes by Michael Langan

One day a Man Bought a House by Pjotr Sapegin.. It's from 1998

Paint Showers by Miguel Jiron

I'm sure I forgot to mention something important.. So you should check back for a vol 2 of this post..
