Tuesday, June 14, 2011

EOÜ 90: Linnuvaatlemine on lõbus! / Birdwatching is fun!

Linnuvaatlemine on lõbus!

Idee ja animatsioon: Chintis Lundgren
Muusika: Pastacas
Tellitud Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingu poolt.


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Birdwatching is fun!

Idea and animation: Chintis Lundgren
Commissioned by the
Estonian Ornithological Society

The texts at end are:
Birdwatching is fun!
Supported by the Enviromental Investment Centre

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Üsna kohe saab valmis Chintise täiesti uus ühest õnnetust linnust rääkiv animatsioon. Peategelaseks on suitsupääsuke, kõrvalosades hiilgavad naerev hobune, erakordselt uimane kass, puuriga ringi jõlkuv kodukakk, kaamel, suitsunäljas hallõgija ja tuuletallaja, üsna armas pingviin, korstnapühkija ja viinapudeliga laudaomanik.. pluss veel mõned liigikaaslased ja kindlasti keegi keda ma justpraegu unustan mainida.
Suitsupääsukese elu ei ole lihtne, teel Aafrikast tagasi koju läheb kõik sassi, suuremad linnud on kiuslikud, eelmiste sajandite viirastused jälituslikud, savi on otsas ja laut õhtuti lukus. 

Animatsioon on viis minutit pikk, erakordse muusika sinna juurde teeb Pastacas, kaadritagune hääl kuulub traditsiooniliselt Inge Tingile, animeeris loomulikult Chintis Lungren isiklikult ja valmis saab see täiesti tänu EOÜ toredatele inimestele pluss Keskonnainvesteeringute Keskusele.

Chintis is about to finish a brand new animation about one pretty sad bird. The main character in a barn swallow and also starring are: a laughing horse, incredibly drowsy cat, a tawny owl walking around with a cage, a camel, a cigarette-hungry great grey shrike and a common kestrel (also longing for a smoke), a quite sweet penguin, a chimney sweeper and the owner of the barn with a nice bottle of vodka hidden in his pocket... plus some members of his own species and most certainly someone else I'm forgetting to mention.
The life of the Barn Swallow is not easy, everything gets mixed up on the way back home from Africa, bigger birds are pesky, ghastly shadows from previous centuries annoyingly stalky, the clay is all gone and the barn locked at night.

The animation is about five minutes long, some awesome music will be composed and recorded for it by Pastacas, voice behind the screen belongs as usual to Inge Ting, animated by Chintis Lundgren personally of course and making the production of this animation possible are the wonderful people from the Estonian Ornithological Society plus the Environmental Investment Centre

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

EOÜ 90: Sünnipäev / Birthday

Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingul on 90. sünnipäev.. ja linnud teavad täpselt kuidas seda tähistada.

Idee ja animatsioon: Chintis Lundgren
Muusika: Pastacas
Tellitud Eesti Ornitoloogiaühingu poolt.


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It's the 90th birthday of the Estonian Ornithological Society and the birds know exactly how to celebrate it.

Idea and animation: Chintis Lundgren
Music: Pastacas
Commissioned by the Estonian Ornithological Society

The texts at end are:
It's the Estonian Ornithological Societys 90th birthday!
Supported by the Enviromental Investment Centre