Thursday, December 16, 2010


Before going to Animateka Chintis made a 5-hour stop at Czech Republic. It's good to know that although prices at the airport are high.. having some total rubbish at Mcdonals costs the same as in the outside-of-the-airport-world..

As I have mentioned before it is terribly important when arriving to a never-before-visited city to immediately take many pictures of important houses.. preferably without caring much about correcting perpective and definetley using odd angels. Also it's important to have at least some pictures of important houses with yourself standing in a right bottom corner of the picture.. or in the center. Since I'm not a perfectionist I have ignored some of these important rules but still.. here are some pictures of important houses followed by some pictures from the festival and this time sadly.. no pictures of cars..

I really love how almost all of the windows are completely different

Miroslav Jovic and Nick Brooks

well.. it's just some people around a table talking about something..

and some people not around a table also talking about something..

Sabina and Zdravko. As you can see.. not talking at all.. although sitting by a nice round table.

Mirai Mizue and Nobuaki Doi

Hmm.. yes.. this is Isabelle..

Mateja and Neja.. very friendly hospitality-girls with a severe caffeine-addiction.


Luiz, Marius, Miroslav and a boy whos name I have forgotten..

on the left: Solweig von Kleist on the right: Igor Prassel.. he's really a fanatic

Solweig in the midst of her performance

Marius with a really shaky hand.. Don't drink so much coffee Marius!

On this picture you can see everybody..

Miroslav, Velislava and Nick.. and somebody hiding behind Nick

Bob was also at the festival but I didn't dare to take his picture.. just in case

Some horses I found standing around

Some sort of confusing green wall..

As a proper tourist Chintis also visited the castle up on the hill..


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Montego trailer

Animatsioon / Animation: Chintis Lundgren
Muusika / music: Kristjan Raidna
Hääl / voice: Inge Ting / Mart Sander
umbes 12 minutit / about 12 minutes

Uudiste updeit/news update

Vahepeal viibisime kohalolevalt Animated Dreamsil.. pilte seekord (veel) ei ole. Chintis käis festivali raames jahumas Eesti anima hetkeseisu lahkaval paneelil nr 1. Millest võib lähemalt lugeda siit ja siit..
Pärast närvilisuses viibivat esilinastust otsustasime loogiliselt tegeleda edasi Volli Palli helisujundusega, mille kohta me tegelikult juba enne teadsime, et see ei ole valmis aga suutsime end natuke petta..
Kohevarsti saab valmis Montego, 11-minutiline animatsioon, mis põhineb Chintise vägaammusel ja mittekunagi valmis saanud koomiksil. Helisujumuse osas ei või küll teada kui kaua see veel aega võtab.
janüüdkohe tormab Chintis Animatekale Ljubljanas:

Short summary:
We attended the Animated Dreams.. no boring pictures (yet). As a representative of estonian indie-animation Chintis took part of the bla-bla-bla event called "Estonian animation now". About that strange event you can read here and here (if you can understand estonian.. or of course you can also use google translate, that's always a funny experience).
After the quite nervous premiere of Volli Pall we decided to make some corrections in sound. We of course knew already before that it was not quite ready but we managed to fool ourselves somehow.
Verysoon a new animation called Montego will be ready (11 minutes). Montego is based on Chintis's quite old and neverfinished comic.
Andnowrightaway Chintis is running off to Animateka in Ljubljana:

Friday, November 12, 2010

Volli Palli esilinastus

esilinastus / premiere
Animated Dreams
Kino Sõprus
Noor Eesti Anima programm / Young Estonian Animation

Giidina töötav Volli avastab ühel hommikul oma kapist portugaallase. Volli elukaaslane Olivier ei ole kahtlase lõunamaa mehe äkilise ilmumise üle sugugi õnnelik. Üha kummalisemaid olukordi eirates jätkab Volli oma igapäevast rutiini kuni saabuva öö unenäoline purjusus ning paranähtuste eksponentsiaalne sagenemine Volli töö ja mittetöö veelgi keerulisemaks teevad.
Volli, who works as a tour-guide, discovers one morning a portuguese in his closet. Vollis partner Olivier is not amused over the sudden appearance of this southern man. Volli, totally ignoring the more and more peculiar situations, continues his usual routine until the dream-like drunkness of the night and the exponentially rising rate in paranormal activities make his work and not-work even more difficult.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

8. Matsalu Loodusfilmide Festival / 8th Matsalu Nature Film Festival


Eesti filmide kategoorias oli 5 filmi ja kõik said auhinna.
There were 5 films in the category of Estonian films and they all got a prize.

Lisaks kiidukirjale kaasnesid auhinnaga kaks kummalist elementi, mis kui ma õieti aru saan on meisterdatud Lihula Muusika- ja Kunstikooli laste poolt. Võibolla ma ei valeta selles osas.
In addition to the diploma, the award was accompanied by two strange objects, which, if I understand correctly, are made by the children of Lihula Music- and Artschool. It could be that I'm not lying.

Auhinna jagasime pooleks kaklemise teel
We divided the award by fighting