Monday, October 18, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
8. Matsalu Loodusfilmide Festival / 8th Matsalu Nature Film Festival
Eesti filmide kategoorias oli 5 filmi ja kõik said auhinna.
There were 5 films in the category of Estonian films and they all got a prize.
Lisaks kiidukirjale kaasnesid auhinnaga kaks kummalist elementi, mis kui ma õieti aru saan on meisterdatud Lihula Muusika- ja Kunstikooli laste poolt. Võibolla ma ei valeta selles osas.
In addition to the diploma, the award was accompanied by two strange objects, which, if I understand correctly, are made by the children of Lihula Music- and Artschool. It could be that I'm not lying.
Auhinna jagasime pooleks kaklemise teel
We divided the award by fighting
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