Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ludvig ja Hildegard

Veetes liiga palju aega hämaras toas, joonistades igasugu tobedusi, juues täiesti liiga palju kohvi ja olles veendunud, et ööpäevas on 26-28 tundi võib juhtuda, et magades külastavad sind kummalised unenäod ning ärgates võib sulle tunduda, et su kujuteldavad sõbrad on absoluutselt reaalsed.. Ühtlasi on erakordselt võimalik, et ärgates kell pool kaheksa õhtul leiad sa nad kõrvaltoast odavat süntesaatorit mängimas.. mis on muidugi veidi murettekitav.. aga samas on muidugi tore kui sõbrad külla tulevad.. isegi kui nad on kujuteldavad.

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Spending excessive time indoors, drawing silly nonsense, drinking way too much coffee and having a strange conviction that a day consists of 26-28 hours might result in having weird dreams and sometimes thinking that your imaginary friends are actually real.. It could also happen that you wake up one evening and find them playing a cheap synthesizer in the next room.. which of course is a little worrying.. but then again it's nice to have friends.. even if they're imaginary.

See on Ludvig, ta on õgijalaste sugukonda kuuluv lind. Ludvigi lemmikvärv on sügav taevasinine, talle meeldib new-wave muusika, pühapäevapärastlõunased pikad jalutuskäigud ning eriti meeldib talle süüa väikeseid surnuid linde.
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So this is Ludvig, he's a bird belonging to the Shrike family. His favourite colour is cereulean blue, he likes new-wave music, long walks on a sunday afternoon and eating small dead birds. 

Ja see on Hildegard.. üsna tavaline suitsupääsuke. Hildegardile, erinevalt oma õõvastavalt veidrast sõbrast, ei meeldi süüa väikeseid surnuid linde ning ta eelistab hoopis suuri pakse porikärbseid.. On üsnagi mõistlik teda suviti külla kutsuda kui väiksed tüütud putukad hakkavad liiga tihti ülbelt aknast sisse marssima.
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And this is Hildegard.. a quite ordinary Barn Swallow. Hildegard, unlike her creepy friend, doesn't like eating small dead birds.. she prefers flies, big fat ones.. It's nice to have her around in the summer when annoying little bugs take up visiting your room a little too often.

Ludvig ja Hildegard saavad täiesti hästi läbi.. hoolimata faktist, et Hildegard on suurepäraselt tüütu (see on ilmselt kohvist) ja Ludvig ei saa millestki aru ja on enamuse ajast lihtsalt katatooniline.
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Ludvig and Hildegard get along really well.. even though Hildegard is often extraordinarily annoying (must be the coffee) and Ludvig is a bit confused about.. everything.. and is mostly just catatonic. 

Vist on aeg järgmise tassi kohvi jaoks..
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I suppose it's time for another cup of coffee..

Monday, July 25, 2011

Suitsupääsukese raskest elust..

Seletuskiri ja ilusad pildid on paar postitust allpool..

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..and a subtitled version

2ANNAS 2011

Fotojäädvustused maikuusest lühifilmifestivalist Riias.. erakordse hilinemisega pluss mustvalgelt kuigi film ise on täiesti slaid ja krossprotsessitud ka veel..


Photos from a short film festival in Riga.. with extraordinary delay (the festival was in may.. but I'm a slow estonian, nothing to do about it) and also the pictures are B&W although the film itself was colour-slide and cross-processed but the scanner was in bad mood and so the pictures are blackandwhite..

So this is Riga..

 and this is Amanda..

 ..and Amanda

 ..and Amanda again

This is not Amanda

 ..also not Amanda..

A pretty nice award I received.. and yes I think it was Amanda who handed it to me..

And this is me after the festival.. very happy and euforic.. overboiling with all kinds of emotions..