Fotojäädvustused maikuusest lühifilmifestivalist Riias.. erakordse hilinemisega pluss mustvalgelt kuigi film ise on täiesti slaid ja krossprotsessitud ka veel..
Photos from a short film festival in Riga.. with extraordinary delay (the festival was in may.. but I'm a slow estonian, nothing to do about it) and also the pictures are B&W although the film itself was colour-slide and cross-processed but the scanner was in bad mood and so the pictures are blackandwhite..
So this is Riga..
and this is Amanda..
..and Amanda
..and Amanda again
This is not Amanda
..also not Amanda..
A pretty nice award I received.. and yes I think it was Amanda who handed it to me..
And this is me after the festival.. very happy and euforic.. overboiling with all kinds of emotions..
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