Ja teine uudis on, et Sünnipäev valiti Ottawasse ja Ottawa Animation Festival on üks üsna suur ja tähtis festival.. nii suur ja tähtis, et Chintisel ei jää muud üle kui sinna kohale lennata kuigi üle ookeani lendamine võtab aega kaheksa tundi ja enne ookeani ületamist tuleb lennata veel risti-rästi igale poole ja kohale jõudes on Kanadas alles keskpäev kuigi vahepeal on möödunud kohutav arv tunde ja kindlasti on kohutav uni aga festivali alguses ei või ju ometi hotellis voodi all norsata.
Kolmas uudis on, et süntersaatori taga istus viimati juba kolm suitsupääsukest, kellest nüüdseks on kaks (Manfred ja Eugen) jälle kaduma läinud..
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...The latest in the category of important news...
A trophy from Japan should reach Chintis really soon.. the word trophy has a strangely nice ring to it.. The Great Grey Shrike won an award for the best childrens film at the Japan Wildlife Film Festival. The thing I really like about wildlife and nature film festivals is that they tend to give out massive amounts of awards. The Japan Wildlife Film Festival had 35 finalists and also 35 awards.. how great is that! :) Also the Matsalu Nature Film Festival last year had an award ceremony that lasted for two hours and they handed out 20 awards and countless of participation-diplomas. In Slovakia they gave out 19 awards this year.. and I bet that in the meantime there were also many more nature film festivals out there that gave out even more awards..
Another big news is that Birthday was selected to the Ottawa Animation Festival which is a really big and important festival.. well in fact so big and important that Chintis absolutely has to fly over there.. even though it takes about eight hours to cross the ocean and a lot more hours to fly from one place to another before that and well.. it seems that strangely.. after all that flying it still will be only noon in Canada by the time I reach it and I will definitely be totally exhausted and sleepy by then but no way you can spend the beginning of the festival sleeping under a bed in a hotel..
And thirdly.. the last time I happened to pass the cheap synthesizer standing in the next room already three barn swallows had shown up to play it.. but two of them, named Manfred and Eugen, have since then disappeared..
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