Kõige tähtsam osa igasugu animafestivalidest on vaadata kohutavalt ilusaid ja arusaamatuid eksperimentaalfilme ning hiljem kuulata ehmunult hüsteerilist karjumishäälset arutlust teemal kas on eetiline naerda hirmsate juhtumuste üle, eriti kui sulle pakutakse sloveenia juustu ja kahtlase maitsega kanget jooki ning igalpool vedelevad lapsed. Teiseks tähtsam osa on juua liiga palju keskmise kangusega kohvi, vahtida aknast alla ning pildistada võõraid inimesi ilma nende teadmata.
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The most important part of attending any animation festival is seeing terribly beautiful and not very understandable experimental films and later listening to some screamingly hysterical discussion about the ethics of laughing at some horrible incidents, especially if you're offered some slovenian cheese and strong alcohol with suspicious taste and everywhere are loads of children scattered around. The second really important part is to drink too much not-too-strong coffee, stare down the window and take pictures of strangers without them knowing about it.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Suvest saadik jälitavad Chintist kaks erakordselt tüütut lindu ja seekord kaaperdasid nad sujuvalt ka kaamera ning tegid üksteisest igavaid ja üsna fookusest väljas ülesvõtteid:
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Since last summer Chintis is constantly being followed by two quite annoying birds and this time they also smoothly privateered the camera and took some boring and out-of-focus pictures of each other:
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Hildegardi kommentaar: Käisime salaja kinos, saali sisenesime kotti peidetuna, pileti eest ei maksnud, samas eraldi kohta ka ei hõivanud ja eriti ei kraaksunud igavate filmide ajal. Sattusime vaatama täiesti loogiliselt programmi kus iga teine film oli lindudest. Kõige superluksim oli Will Andersoni "The Making of Longbird"
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Hildegards comment: We went to see some films secretly, entered the cinema hidden inside a bag, did not pay for our tickets.. but we also didn't occupy any seat or make any loud crow-like sounds during boring films. Quite logically we happened to attend a screening where every other film was about birds. The most superluks was Will Andersons "The Making of Longbird"
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Ludvigi kommentaar: "Life is a Bitch"
Hildegard: Ludvig samastus varesega
Hildegard: ... aga varesest pilti ei ole
Hildegard: Ludvig on jälle katatooniline..
Ludvig: ...
Life is a Bitch by Michaela Hoffova |
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Ludvigs comment: "Life is a Bitch"
Hildegard: Ludvig really related to the crow
Hildegard: But there's no picture of it
Hildegard: Ludvig is catatonic again..
Ludvig: ...
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Ludvig ühtlasi ründas üht mööduvat väikest tüdrukut aga poolel teel tabas Ludvigit tema tüüpiline katatooniline rahulikkuse laine.
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Ludvig also attacked an unsuspecting little girl but was then calmed down by his usual fit of catatonic calmness