16. november 2011
Kino Artis
Montego pidi oma parima sõbra maha laskma.. ja seda juba mitmendat korda. Sellest hoolimata ilmutab too end ikka ja jälle pimedatel tänavanurkadel ning kahtlastel kõrvalteedel. Boris, põranda-aluse organistatsiooni armiline juht, andis käsu just enne totaalset lõhestumist. Brüssel, Punane Kuup ning organisatsioon nimega Kuri Skript on kõik osalised Montego paranoilises maailmas.
Lugu ja animatsioon: Chintis Lundgren
Muusika ja heli: Kristjan Raidna
Jutustaja hääl: Mart Sander
Montego has killed his best friend.. several times already. But still he keeps reappearing on street-corners and dark alleys. Boris, the scarred leader of the underground resistance gave the order just before becoming totally detached from himself. Brussels and the Red Cube, also an organization called the Evil Script have a part to play in Montegos strange paranoid world.
Story and animation: Chintis Lundgren
Music and sound: Kristjan Raidna
Narrators voice: Mart Sander
P.S. Samas programmis linastub ka "Suitsupääsukese raskest elust"
"About the Hard Life of the Barn Swallow" will also be screened in the same program.
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