Chintis viibis koos hullumeelsete lindudega just üsnahiljuti Tšehhimaal, Teplice'is.. ja tegi jälle igavaid turistipilte.. seekord põhiliselt inimestest ja puudest.
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Chintis was just veryrecently in Teplice, Czech Republic.. together with some hysterical birds.. and took again some really boring tourist-pictures, this time the photos are mostly featuring people and trees.
Keset linna.. ja ma ütleks, et väga kahtlaselt kino lähedal (hmm) seisis saladuslik suur helepunane A-täht..
Some mysterious object resembling the letter A.. hmmm..
Kohalikud politseinikud olid üsna kahtlustavad ja kõndisid paaniliselt kino ees edasi-tagasi aga ainus kes neile lõpuks ette jäi oli üks õnnetu varahommikune dj kes muidugi eskorditi minema enne kui ta jõudis mittetantsivatele inimestele ohtlikuks muutuda..
The local policemen were really suspicious of everything and were walking back and forth in front of the cinema until they finally managed to find a potentially dangerous dj who was trying his best to find a cure for the non-dancing people.. he was quickly escorted away of course..
Hildegard ja Ludvig leidsid üles ka pahaaimamtud žveitslased ja röövisid nende šokolaadi..
Hildegard and Ludvig found some non-suspecting Swiss citizens and stole their chocolate..
Müstilised linnud ja eufooriline prantslane..
Mysterios birds and a bit euphoric frenchman..
Animafestivalide maskott Paolo ja üsna tüüpiline eestlane Mihkel ja täiesti tavalised linnud..
The mascot of animation festivals, Paolo.. and a quite typical estonian Mihkel.. and some completely ordinary birds
Kummalised roosavärvilised õied üsna mittekahtlustäratava puu küljes.
Strange pinkcoloured flowers attached to a not-so-suspicious tree.
Kummaline hobune..
A strange horse..
Polish people!
Veel üks tüüpiline eestlane.. neid leidus seekord iga nurga peal..
Another typical estonian.. this time there were many of them scattered around Teplice..
Pavel Horaček, Paul Wells ja erakordselt sotsiaalsed linnud..
Pavel Horaček, Paul Wells and some socially active birds..
Hildegard ja Ludvig suutsid ka Barry Purves'i koos meeltesegaduses eestlasega omnibussi taha poseerima meelitada..
Hildegard ja Ludvig also managed to lure Barry Purves together with some confused estonian to the back of an omnibus for precious photo-moments..
Hildegard ja Ludvig ja festivalidirektor ja erakordselt kõrged mäed..
Hildegard and Ludvig and the festival director and really high mountains on the backround..
Eesti suursaadik, linnud ja puud..
The estonian embassador, a few birds and some trees..
Casanova lossis elavad hobused..
There are some horses living in the Casanova castle..
Casanova isiklikult.. veits hirmus mõelda kui vana ta on..
It's Casanova personally.. a bit terrifying to think how old he must be..
Casanova oli hirmust paigale kangestunud ja ei liigutanud eriti.. ma tõesti loodan, et temaga on ikka kõik korras..
Casanova was really frightened and catatonic and didn't move at all.. I really hope he's ok..
Will Winton ja Ludvig.. peaaegu nagu vennad.
Will Winton and Ludvig.. looking like brothers almost.
Pedro Serrazina ja Barry Purves ja puud ja mäed ja üsna maitsev kook.
Pedro Serrazina and Barry Purves and the mountains and trees and some really delicious cake.
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